sabato 13 dicembre 2014

Ten days of autumn #Day 10+3

Wow. Ten days... time flies!
I don't know, I have that weird feeling: ten days looks like ten years or something. I'm still worried about my project because I have done nothing right now. I'm scared... I don't want to fail, but who wants that? I should start, no more excuses!


I didn't start that day and I didn't finish these post. That's quite hilarious, ah!
I was (and I am) a little bit sad because my BFF (both of them) are living a special moment and I won't be there. The first one is already graduated and everytime someone posted a pic I was really really sad... I don't know, I'm a little bit nostalgic and our life are changing so much... But we can still have some moments to share. I don't want to lose them.
And I'm a little bit sad because another friend of mine, a special one. He's special but I won't be able to be with him anymore in the next future... I miss his voice and his cuddle.
Yesterday, by the way, I've talked with the girl about the videos and she explained me a lot. We watched some videos together and I'm not that bad, probably I will lose my eyesight but that's ok. The work is worth it!
She told me to watch ten videos in the next week and then I could tell her if I've got the feeling. That what she said. The feeling. WTF? Sounds really hippy for me but I want that, I want to be able to recognize the individual and then their behavior... Doing this, here, I realized what I want to do in my life (at least in this moment). I like this place so much!
As I said already I'm just a little bit overwhelmed by the language barrier... But I'm trying to speak with the others everyday more and more and I'm reading "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" because I need to improve my vocabulary.
I hate that my voice sounds so different in english... my accent is so freacking strong and I'm not able to use my "charming" voice with them. Fuck!
I will learn, that's a promise.

1 commento:

  1. I finally read everything (I know, about time)! I'm so thrilled for you. This experience sounds like everything you've always wanted. I've no doubt you'll show everyone what you're worth (which, for the record, is A LOT). Don't worry about your accent, it fixes itself in time, trust me. ;)

    Love you, little brother!

    p.s. This is very baffling to me, I thought I'd deleted my Google account...
