Andre. 27 anni. Pokemon trainer, amante dei lupi e aspirante PhD student.
Al momento riassume più o meno precisamente quel che sono. Ci sarebbe altro da aggiungere, ma contravverrei alla definizione stessa di "riassunto", quindi...
Sto per partire alla volta della bassa Austria, per iniziare un intership presso il Wolf Science Center (WSC per noi amici) che si spera porti a qualcosa di più. Sono fottutamente spaventato, ma immagino faccia parte dell'emozione!
Fra l'altro, la lingua ufficiale lì sarà l'inglese... So... Let's switch to english!
I'm not new into this thing of bloggin online, but I always left my project half-done because I don't have a really purpose. It was just a diary. Well, now my purpose is different: I would like to support my experience in Austria with pictures and words.
As I said before, I'm pretty scared. I don't know anybody, I don't know the job, the place... I don't know nothing, I'm basically a Jon Snow without long hair (BTW I'm planning to NOT cut my hair and beard in those months, so stay tuned!) or a white direwolf.
But, hey, what the heck! It will be amazing! And if it's not... well, I'll collect a new experience and I will be able to add another thing to the list of what I DON'T like. It is a really long list.
In this past months a travel a little bit, more than I expected and more than before. I really like this kind of lifestyle, and that's a thing that I would like to have even in the next future. The scary feelings are nothing compared to the excitement that derives from the view of a full suitcase.
Well, for now, that's all folks!